
林才民整形外科診所 院長
呈汝生物科技股份有限公司 醫學顧問
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 整形外科 主治醫師
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 手術技能中心主任
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 燒傷加護室主任
高雄市立小港醫院 整形外科 主治醫師
高雄市立大同醫院 整形外科 主治醫師
精微自體脂肪移植器(Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation, MAFT-GUN)
國際整形與重建外科亞太地區代表大會 最佳論文獎-動脈內灌注治療于氫氟酸之皮膚燒傷
高雄市立小港醫院 最佳主治醫師
高雄市立小港醫院 最佳主治醫師
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 最佳主治醫師
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 外科部 整形外科 最佳總住院醫師
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 外科部 最佳總住院醫師
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 外科部 最佳住院醫師
- Tsai CC, Lin SD, Lai CD, Chou CK, Lin TM. (1995) Reconstruction of the upper leg and knee with a reversed flow saphenous island flap based on the medial inferior genicular artery. Ann Plast Surg 35(5): 480-484.
- Lin TM, Chou CK, Lin SD, Lai CS. (1996) Surgical management of severe venous malformation of the right hand in Maffucci’s Syndrome, The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC 5(4): 254-260.
- Chiang CP, Lin SD, Lai CS, Chou CK, Tsai CC, Chiu YT, Lin TM. (1996) Surgical Treatment of Axillary Osmidrosis: A Modified Procedure for Fewer Complications. The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC 5(4): 238-244.
- Lin SD, Lai CS, Chiu YT, Lin TM. (1996) The lateral calcaneal artery adipofascial flap. Br J Plast Surg 49(1): 52-7.
- Lin SD, Lai CS, Chiu YT, Lin TM, Chou CK (1996) Adipofascial flap of the lower leg based on the saphenous artery. Br J Plast Surg 49(6): 390-395.
- Wang HJ, Chou CK, Lin SD, Lin TM, Lai CS. (1997) Bicycle spoke injury of the foot and ankle: A frequently underestimated problem in primary management. The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC 6(2): 86-92.
- Lin SD, Chai CY, Tsai CC, Chou CK, Lin TM. (1998) The role of CD8+ cells and CD11 in the rejection reaction of the allogeneic microskin grafting. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 14(8): 464-472
- Lin SD, Chou CK, Lin TM, Wang HJ, Lai CS. (1998) The distally based lateral adipofascial flap. Br J Plast Surg 51(2): 96-102.
- Kung FP, Lin SD, Lin TM, Chou CK, Lai CS, Chang SM. (1998) Clinical experience of submental artery island flap. The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC 7(2):102-110.
- Tsai CC, Lai CS, Lin TM, Lin SD. (1999) The use of the composite AlloDerm-Ultrathin autograft on the articular skin surface of extensive burn patients. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 15(11): 651-658.
- Lee SS, Lin SD, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS. (1999) Endoscopic excision of a forehead Mass. The Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Association ROC 8(3): 191-196.
- Yang CC, Lin TM. (1999) Bilateral gluteal dystrophic calcification – a case report. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 15(1): 56-61.
- Lin SD, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lee SS, Chang KP, Lai CS. (2000) Endoscope-assisted correction of primary varicose veins. Ann Plast Surg 44(3):241-249.
- Lin SD, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lee SS. (2000) Correction of scar contracture deformities of the big toe with a multiplanar distraction device. Ann Plast Surg 44(3): 320-323.
- Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2000) Use of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle Flap for Under-corrective Blepharoptosis with Previous Frontalis Suspension. Br J Plast Surg 53(6): 473-476.
- Tsai CC, Lin SD, Lai CS, Lin TM. (2000) Aesthetic analysis of the ideal female leg. Aesth Plast Surg 24(4): 303-305.
- Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin SD, Lai CS. (2000) Continuous Intra-Arterial Infusion Therapy in Hydrofluoric Acid Burns. J Occup Environ Med 42(9): 892-897.
- Lin SD, Lee SS, Chang KP, Lin TM, Lu DK, Tsai CC. (2001) Endoscopic excision of benign tumors in the forehead and brow. Ann Plast Surg 46(1): 1-4.
- Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2001) Non-endoscopic harvest of the gastrocnemius muscle lap through a small incision. Ann Plast Surg 47(2):134-137.
- Lin TM, Tsai CC, Tsai KB, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2001) Congenital multiple plaque- like glomangiomyoma in trunk. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 17(7): 377-380.
- Lai CS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2001) Endometrioma in a Cesarean Section Scar. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 17(7): 381-384.
- Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2001) Tarsal tunnel syndrome secondary to neurilemoma-a case report. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 17(4): 216-220.
- Lu DK, Lin Sd, Lai CS, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lee SS, Chung KP. (2001) Aesthetic abdominoplasty for major pelvic operation patients. J Plast Surg Asso R.O.C. 10(1): 27-36.
- Chang KP, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2001) An alternative dressing for skin graft immobilization: using low negative pressure. Burns 27(8): 839-842.
- Lin SD, Chang KP, Lu DK, Lee SS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lai CS. (2002) Endoscope-assisted management of varicose veins in the posterior thigh, popliteal fossa and the calf area. Ann Plast Surg 48(1): 10-20.
- Tsai CC, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2002) Use of the orbicularis oculi muscle flap for severe Marcus Gunn ptosis. Ann Plast Surg 48(4): 431-434.
- Lai CS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2002) A new technique for levator lenthening to treat upper eyelid retraction: the orbital septal flap. Aesth Plast Surg 26(1): 31-34.
- Lai CS, Lin TM, Lee SS, Tu CH, Chen IH, Chang KP, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2002) Case Studies in Contact Burns Caused by Exhaust Pipes of Motorcycles. Burns 28(4): 370-373.
- Lee SS, Lin SD, Chiu YT, Tsai CC, Lin TM, Chang KP. (2002) Deep dissection plane for endoscopic assisted comminuted malar fracture repair. Ann Plast Surg 49(5): 452-459.
- Lin SD, Chang KP, Yang YL, Lee SS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lai CS. (2002) Gross anatomy of primary varicose veins observed in endoscopic surgery. Ann Plast Surg 49(6): 559-566.
- Chang KP, Lin SD, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lai CS. (2002) The simultaneous combination of implants and TRAM flaps for an aesthetically pleasing breast. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 18(5): 215-220.
- Chang KP, Lai CS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2003) Total upper lip reconstruction with a free temporal scalp flap: long term follow up. Head & Neck 25(7):602-605.
- Tsai CC, Lin TM, Chiu CS, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2003) Use of the orbicular oculi muscle flap for under-corrected ptosis with previous levator resection. Ann Plast Surg 50(3): 292-295.
- Chang KP, Wang WH, Lai CS, Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2003) Use of reverse homodigital arterial adipofascial flap for resurfacing of dorsal finger defect. Taiwan Medical Journal 6(4): 19-20.
- Lee SS, Lin SD, Lai CS, Lin TM, Yang YL. (2003) The soft tissue shaving procedure for deformity management of chronic tophaceous gout- an effective alternative. Ann Plast Surg 51(4): 372-375.
- Wang WH, Lai CS, Yang YL, Chang KP, Lee SS, Lin TM, Yang CC. Lin SD. (2004) The effect of adventitia stripping in refractory ischemic digits. Plast Surg Asso. O.C. 13(1): 42-50.
- Sun IF, Lin TM*, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2004) Frostbite by liquefied propane gas. J Plasty Surg Asso. O.C. 13(2): 113-18. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin, SD, Yang YL, Lee SS Chang KP, Lin TM, Lai CS. (2004) Endosope-assisted management of primary varicose veins of the long saphenous vein and its tributaries. Phlebology 19:35-41.
- Sun IF, Lee SS, Lin TM, Lee HC, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2005). Our experience of continuous renal replacement therapy in burned patients with acute renal failure. Plasty Surg Asso. O.C. 14(1): 49-57.
- Lee SS, Lin SD, Chen HM, Lai CS, Lin TM, Yang CC, Chen YF, Chiu CC. (2005) Management of recurrent sternal wound infections with topical negative pressure dressing. J Card Surg 20(3): 218-222.
- Lin TM, Wang KH, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2005) Epidemiology of pediatric in southern Taiwan. Burns 31(2): 182-187.
- Lin TM, Lee SS, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2005) Treatment of axillary burn scar contracture using opposite running Y-V-plasty. Burns 31(7): 894-900.
- Lin TM, Tsai JL, Lin SD, Lai CS, Chang CC. (2005) Accelerated growth and prolonged lifespan of adipose tissue-derived human mesenchymal stem cells in a medium using reduced calcium and antioxidants. Stem Cells Dev 14(1): 92-102.
- Lai CS, Lin TM, Lee SS, Tu CH, Chen IH, Chang KP, Tsai CC, Lin SD. (2005) Surgical treatment of the facial siliconoma involving the temporal area. Plast Reconstr Surg 115(2): 553-558.
- Lee SS, Lin TM, Chen YH, Lin SD, Lai CS. (2005) “Flypaper technique” a modified expansion method for preparation of postage stamp autografts burns. Burns 31(6): 753-757.
- Yang YL, Lin TM, Lee SS, Chang KP, Lai CS. (2005) The distally pedicled peroneus muscle flap: anatomic studies and clinical applications. J Foot Ankle Surg 44:259-264.
- Lin SD, Lin TM, Lee SS, Yang Y L. (2005) Endoscope-assisted management of primary varicose veins below the knee. Phlebology 20:163-169.
- Lin TM, Tsai CC, Lin RT, Lin SD, Lai CS. (2006) Guillain-Barré syndrom following facial bone fracture- case report and review of literature. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 59(5): 543-546.
- Lin SD, Cheng KH, Lin TM, Chang KP, Lee SS, Sun IF, Wang WH, Lai CS. Management of the primary varicose veins with venous ulceration with assistance of endoscopic surgery. Ann Plast Surg 56(3): 289-294.
- Lin TM, Lee SS. Lai CS, Lin SD. (2006) Phenol burn. Burns 32(4): 517-521.
- Wu HS, Lin TM*, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2006) Unusual Genital Burn Caused by Paraquat-Two Case Reports. J Plasty Surg Asso.O.C. 15(3): 299-303. (* Corresponding author)
- Lee HC, Lin TM*, Lee SS, Lai CS, Lin SD (2006) Refinement of Continuous Intra-arterial Infusion Therapy to Hydrofluoric Acid Dermal Burns. J Plasty Surg Asso.O.C. 15(4): 338-348. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin TM, Lee SS, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2007) Treatment of axillary burn scar contracture using opposite running Y-V-plasty. Year Book of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.
- Chye YF, Lin TM*, Lee SS, Lu CM, Lin SD, Lai CS, Chang KP, Liu CM, Sun IF, Wang WH.(2007) Vibrio Vulnificus Infections: Cases Review of a medical Center and Consideration for Future Directions. J Plasty Surg Asso.O.C. 15(4): 349-366. (* Corresponding author)
- Huang SH, Lee SS, Lin TM, Wang MH, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2007) Ammonia Injury, the Clinical Course and Literature Review. J Plasty Surg Asso.O.C. 15(4): 377-383. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin TM, Chang HW, Wang KH, Kao AP, Chang CC, Wen CH, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2007) Isolation and identification of mesenchymal stem cells from human lipoma tissue. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 5;361(4):883-9.
- Huang, SH, Wu SH, Sun IF, Lee SS, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2008) AQUACEL Ag in the treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Burns 34:63-66. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin SD, Huang SH, Lin YN, Wu SH, Chang HW, Lin TM, Chai CY, Lai CS. (2011) Engineering adipose tissue from uncultured human adipose stromal vascular fraction on collagen matrix and gelatin sponge scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part A. 17(11-12):1489-98.
- Chou CK, Lin TM, Chiu CH, Wu CY, Chen IH, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2012) Influential Factors in Autologous Fat Transplantation – Focusing on the Lumen Size of Injection Needle and the Injecting Volume. IPRAS Journal. 9: 25-27. (* Corresponding author)
- Chou C, Lin TM, Chou CK, Lin TY, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2012) Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Sunken Temporal Fossa – Long Term Follow Up. IPRAS Journal. 9: 28-29. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin TM, Lin TY, Chou CK, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2014) Introduction the Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and its Application in Correction of Sunken Upper Eyelid. PRS Global Open. 2(11):e259, November.
- Lin TM. Chapter 11: Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) In Pu LLQ, Chen YR, Li QF. Et al. (eds): Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Asians: Principles and Techniques, ed 1, 2015, St. Louis, CRC Press.
- Lin TM, Lin TY, Huang YH, Hsieh TY, Chou CK, Takahashi H, Lai CS, Lin SD. 2015. Fat grafting for re-contouring the sunken upper eyelids with multiple folds in Asians -Novel mechanism for neo-formation of double eyelid crease. Annals of Plastic Surgery. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000000668
- Wen-Pin Kao; Yun-Nan Lin; Tsung-Ying Lin; Yu-Hao Huang; Chih-Kang Chou; Hidenobu Takahashi; Tung-Ying Shieh; Kao-Ping Chang; Su-Shin Lee; Chung-Sheng Lai; Sin-Daw Lin; Tsai-Ming Lin. 2016. Microautologous Fat Transplantation for Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty: Long-Term Monitoring of 198 Asian Patients Aesthetic Surgery Journal. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjv253. (* Corresponding author)
- Huang SH, Lin YN, Lee SS, Chai CY, Chang HW, Lin TM, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2015) New Adipose Tissue Formation by Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells with Hyaluronic Acid Gel in Immunodeficient MiceInternational Journal of Medical Sciences 2015; 12(2): 154-162. doi: 10.7150/ijms.9964.
- Kao WP, Lin YN, Lin TY, Huang YH, Chou CK, Takahashi H, Shieh TY, Chang KP, Lee SS, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2016) Microautologous Fat Transplantation for Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty: Long-Term Monitoring of 198 Asian Patients. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 36(6):648-656. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin SD, Huang SH, Lin YN, Wu SH, Chang HW, Lin TM, Chai CY, Hsieh DJ, Chang KP. (2016) Injected Implant of Uncultured Stromal Vascular Fraction Loaded Onto a Collagen Gel: In Vivo Study of Adipogenesis and Long-term Outcomes. Ann Plast Surg. 76 Suppl 1:S108-16.
- Lin TM, Lin TY, Huang YH, Hsieh TY, Chou CK, Takahashi H, Lai CS, Lin SD. (2016) Fat grafting for re-contouring the sunken upper eyelids with multiple folds in Asians-Novel mechanism for neo-formation of double eyelid crease. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 76(4):371-375. (* Corresponding author)
- Huang YH, Lin TM. (2017) Application of Microautologous fat transplantation in the correction of sunken upper eyelid. Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology. 23(1):1-3. (* Corresponding author)
- Lee SS, Huang YH, Lin TY, Chou CK, Takahashi H, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2017) Long-Term Outcome of Microautologous Fat Transplantation to Correct Temporal Depression. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 28(3): 629-634. (* Corresponding author)
- Chou CK, Lee SS, Lin TY, Huang YH, Takahashi H, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2017) Micro-autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Forehead Volumizing and Contouring. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 41:845–855. (* Corresponding author)
- Lin YN, Chuang CH, Huang SH, Huang SH, Lin TM, Lin IW, Lin SD, Kuo YR. Fat grafting for resurfacing an exposed implant in lower extremity: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Dec;96(48):e8901.
- Lin YN, Hung SH, Lin TY, Chou CK, Huang YH, Takahashi H, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2018) Micro-autologous fat transplantation for rejuvenation of the Dorsal Surface of the Aging Hand. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 71(4):573-584. (* Corresponding author)
- Huang SH, Huang YH, Lin YN, Lee SS, Chou CK, Lin TY, Takahashi H, Kuo YR, Lai CS, Lin SD, Lin TM. (2018) Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation for Treating a Gummy Smile. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 38(9):925-937. (* Corresponding author)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for correction of nasojugal groove with a new medical device. Continuous Medical Education of Southern Taiwan Plastic Surgery. 21 Jun., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Long Term Follow up of Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 28~29 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Influential Factors in Autologous Fat Transplantation-Focusing on the Lumen Size of Injection Needle and the Injection Frequency per Milliliter. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Plastic Surgery. 28~29 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Reconstruction of Large Depressed Deformity of Right Arm post Wide Excision for Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans-Role of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and its Implications. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association Plastic Surgery. 28~29 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Correction of Sunken Temporal Fossa-Long-term Follow-Up. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association Plastic Surgery. 28~29 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Aging Chin. 2010 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association. 20 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan.
- Long Term Follow up of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds. 20th ISAPS, 12~15 Aug., San Francisco, USA.
- Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Sunken Temporal Fossa-Long Term Follow up. 20th ISAPS, 12~15 Aug., San Francisco, USA.
- Influential Factors in Autologous Fat Transplantation-Focusing on the Lumen Size of Injection Needle and the Injection Frequency per Milliliter. 20th ISAPS, 12~15 Aug., San Francisco, USA.
- Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Using An Innovative Medical Device. TAFPRS, 22~24 Oct., Ja-Yi, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Biology of Adipocyte-Focus on the Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation TAFPRS, 22~24 Oct., Ja-Yi, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds of Orientals. 2nd WAPSCD, 29 Oct., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Strategy for Correction of Aging Hand-How Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation Works. 2010 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association Plastic Surgery. 20~21 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Why We Should Have the Vision of Stem Cells-The Mission of a Medical Center and Self-Expectation. 2010 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association Plastic Surgery. 20~21 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds of Orientals. Han Yang Omnibus Symposium. 2 Dec., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Using an Innovative Medical Device. Taiwan Association for Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 30 Oct., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- A Putative Mechanism of Double Eyelid Surgery-Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds. 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 19 Dec., Taipei, Taiwan.
- Correction of Naso-labial Groove and Marionette Line with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)-Long-Term Follow Up. 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association. 19 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan.
- The Role of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Rescuing the Complications of Silicon Implant Augmentation Rhinoplasty. 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association. 19 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan.
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty. 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association. 19 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan.
- The Application of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) in Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association. 19 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan.
- A New Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT): The Application of the Innovative Device, MAFT-Gun® to Facial Rejuvenation. 29th KSAPS and 9th KSPS, 1~3 Apr., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker/Instructional course)
- Correction of Naso-labial Groove and Marionette Line with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and Long-Term Follow Up. 29th KSAPS and 9th KSPS, 1~3 Apr., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- The Biology of Adipocyte – Way to Improve the Survival Rate of Fat Graft with the Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 29th KSAPS and 9th KSPS, 1~3 Apr., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) in Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 16th IPRAS, 12~17 May, Vancouver, Canada.
- The Application of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) in Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 16th IPRAS, 12~17 May, Vancouver, Canada.
- The Strategy for Correction of Aging Hand-How Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation Works. 16th IPRAS, 12~17 May, Vancouver, Canada.
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds of Orientals. 16th IPRAS, 12~17 May, Vancouver, Canada.
- The First International Symposium of Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 17th Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Facial Rejuvenation with an Innovative Medical Instrument-MAFT-Gun.
- Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Endoscopic Facelift. 2nd Endoscopic Facelift Symposium of Kaohsiung, 24~25 Sep., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited speaker/ Live Surgery Demonstrator/Cadaver Dissection Demonstrator).
- Introduction of a concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and an Innovative Medical Instrument for facial rejuvenation. Pre-congress Live Surgery Course of 2ND Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society (AFPSS) and 7TH Pre-Congress of Taiwan Academy (TAFPRS) of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 6th Taipei, Taiwan.(Invited Speaker/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Salvage of Complications of Silicon Implant Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Pre-congress 5th Rhinoplasty Course of 2ND Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society (AFPSS) and 7TH Pre-Congress of Taiwan Academy (TAFPRS) of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 7th Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) to Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds. 2ND Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society (AFPSS) and 7TH Pre-Congress of Taiwan Academy (TAFPRS) of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 7~8th Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Completion of Traditional Blepharoplasty with Fat Grafting-The Role of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 2ND Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society (AFPSS) and 7TH Pre-Congress of Taiwan Academy (TAFPRS) of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 7~8th Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Second International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 30th Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Changing Concept for Fat Grafting- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). HanYang Omnibus Symposium. 5th, Seoul Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- New Concept of Fat Grafting, Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). The 15Th International Rhinoplasty Workshop. 6th, Seoul Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Salvage the Complications of Silicone Implant Augmentation Rhinoplasty. The 15Th International Rhinoplasty Workshop. 6th, Seoul Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) FOR Current Fat Grafting in Aesthetic Medicine. Non Surgical Symposium-The Science, The Technology, The Technique. 17~20 Nov., Sydney, Australia. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of MAFT-Gun in Facial Rejuvenation. Non Surgical Symposium-The Science, The Technology, The Technique. 17~20 Nov., Sydney, Australia. (Invited Speaker)
- Influential Factors in Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation Focusing on the Lumen Diameter of Injection Needle and the Injection Frequency per Milliliter. 1st International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), 9~11 Mar., Rome, Italy. (Presentation 1)
- Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds-A Putative Mechanism of Double Eyelid Surgery. 1st International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), 9~11 Mar., Rome, Italy. (Presentation 2)
- New Strategy for Baggy Lower Eyelid-The Conceptual Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 1st International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), 9~11 Mar., Rome, Italy. (Presentation 3)
- Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for the Correction of Sunken Temporal Fossa – Long Term Follow up. 1st International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), 9~11 Mar.,. Rome, Italy. (Presentation 4)
- The Role of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Rescuing the Complications of Silicon Implant Augmentation Rhinoplasty. 1st International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES), 9~11 Mar., Rome, Italy. (Presentation 5)
- How I Perform Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation and What It Brings to Me. The 35th Barsky-Chen Club Meeting, 5th May, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- How I Perform Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Facial Rejuvenation. The Spring Meeting of Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (TAFPRS). 27th May, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 4th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 17th Jun. Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- Introduction of the concept of micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT) and an innovative medical device: MAFT-gun®. 2012 International Master Course in Aging Skin. 28-29th, Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Total facial rejuvenation with micro-autologous fat transplantation. 2012 International Master Course in Aging Skin. 28-29th, Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Sunken Upper Eyelid with Multiple Folds. 2012 International Master Course in Aging Skin. 28-29th, Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). International Master Course in Aging Skin. 28-29th, Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 5th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 12th Aug. Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- New Strategy for Oriental Baggy Lower Eyelid -The Conceptual Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Asia Congress 2012, 13-15th, Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
- Introduction of New Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and Innovative Medical Device MAFT-Gun®-The Applications in Facial Rejuvenation The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Asia Congress 2012, 13-15th, Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
- A new concept of micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT): The application of the innovative device MAFT-GUN to facial rejuvenation. The Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan Fall Symposium. 7th, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- MAFT Technique. The 3rd World Congress for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent. 12nd, Xian, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 6th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 23rd, Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- The 7th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 24th Feb., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Chinese Society Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting 2013. 11th May, Hubei, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. 2nd ISPRES 2013 CONGRESS, 7 -9th Jun., Berlin, Germany. (Invited Speaker)
- The 8th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 28th Jul. Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and the Application of MAFT-GUN. 2nd Meeting of China Association of Repair and Reconstructive Surgery and Plastic Surgery and Chinese Korea Association of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Surgery. 3-5 Aug., Harbin, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Current status of subtle autologous fat transplantation and upper eyelid injection. The 2nd Academic Annual Conference of China Society of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Dermatology 14 Sep., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Current status of subtle autologous fat transplantation and upper eyelid fat injection. 2nd Academic Annual Conference of China Society of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Dermatology. 14 Sep., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The Factor of a Successful Clinical Treatment of Fat Transplantation and Soft tissue injection. Taiwan Mini Invasive Aesthetic Society 29 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 9th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 9th Nov., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/DVD Demonstrator)
- Peri-orbital rejuvenation with micro-autologous fat transplantation. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Annual Congress 2014. 31 Jan., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- Rejuvenation of aging hands with micro-autologous fat transplantation. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Annual Congress 2014. 1 Feb., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- Part ll – live surgery: face lipofilling (using MAFT-gun product range) International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Annual Congress 2014. 1 Feb., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- The strategy for temple hollowing – simple for beauty. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Annual Congress 2014. 2 Feb., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- Fundamental Principles of Autologous Fat Transfer. Workshop on Cutting Edge in Facial Fat Transfer by MAFT Gun. 15 Feb. Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Stem Cells and Fat Grafting: Research Update. Workshop on Cutting Edge in Facial Fat Transfer by MAFT Gun. 15 Feb., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Facial Beautification Augmentation Techniques by MAFT Gun (Mapping, Shooting by MAFT Gun, Post-procedural Care, Evaluation) Workshop on Cutting Edge in Facial Fat Transfer by MAFT Gun. 15 Feb., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Video Demonstration of Technical Range of MAFT. Workshop on Cutting Edge in Facial Fat Transfer by MAFT Gun. 15 Feb., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Live Surgery Demonstration Workshop on Cutting Edge in Facial Fat Transfer by MAFT Gun. 15 Feb., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- The 10th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 22 Feb., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation—Implication for Facial Contouring Surgery. Symposium on “Dental-Facial Aesthetics.” 23 Feb., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) – From Concept to Clinical Applications. Fat Grafting East Asia Summit 2014. 1 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Per-orbital Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)-From Basic Science to Clinical Application. The 1st symposium of Fat Transplantation Academic Group of Chinese Society of Plastic Surgeons. 29 Mar., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 11th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 20 Apr. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Peri-orbital rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2014, Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KSAPS). 26 -27 Apr., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2014. 26th -27th, Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. 2nd Taiwan Dermatology Aesthetic Conference Taiwanese Dermatological Association Spring Meeting 2014. 4 May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and the Application of MAFT-GUN in Facial Rejuvenation and Breast Augmentation. The First Sino-US Congress of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. 18 May, Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The Third International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 23-24 Apr., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 12th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 15 Jun., Taichung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 13th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 27 Jul.,Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Peri-orbital rejuvenation: comparisons of different fat transplantation devices. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia 2014. 1 Aug., Hong Kong, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Lipofilling for lip augmentation in Orientals. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia 2014. 1, Hong Kong, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Focus on: primary breast augmentation with micro-autologous fat transplantation. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia 2014. 1 Aug., Hong Kong, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Pro: combination of thread lifting with fat grafting. International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia 2014. 2 Aug., Hong Kong, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) – from Concept to Clinical Applications. Fat Grafting Asia Australia Summit 2014. 9-10 Aug., Sydney, Australia. (Invited Speaker)
- How to avoid complications in Aesthetic Surgery. Aesthetic Conference of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 16 Aug., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Aesthetic Conference of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 16 Aug., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The Clinical Applications of Fat Grafting. Aesthetic Conference of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 17 Aug., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Endoscopic Facelift with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)-From 2-D Lifting to 3-D Rejuvenation. 10th Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Constructive Surgery (TAFPRS) Annual Meeting. 31 Aug., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)-Simple for Beauty. 10th Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Constructive Surgery (TAFPRS) Annual Meeting. 31 Aug., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat Transplantation in Re-contouring Temporal Hollowness: An Innovative Concept of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Congress MIAMI 2014. 13 Sep., Miami, USA.
- The Strategy for Correction of Aging Hands: How Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation Works. International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Congress MIAMI 2014. 14 Sep., Miami, USA.
- Therapeutic Strategy for the Aging Chin: The Journey from Implant to Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Congress MIAMI 2014., Miami, USA. (Corresponding Author)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Fat Grafting in Orientals: The Feasibility of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Congress MIAMI 2014. 14 Sep., Miami, USA. (Corresponding Author)
- The Role of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Treating Complications of Silicon Implant Augmentation Rhinoplasty. International Society of Plastic and Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Congress MIAMI 2014. 14 Sep., Miami, USA. (Corresponding Author)
- Mid-, Lower-Third Facial Re-contouring- To Lift or Not to Lift, It Depends on Fat. The 3rd Annual Meeting of China Society of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Dermatology. 20 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Peri-orbital rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)- The decision between the surgery and injection. 3rd Annual Meeting of China Society of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Dermatology. 21 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Peri-orbital Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) Course & The 6th ASBPRS (Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). 18-21 Oct., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and Its Application in Facial Rejuvenation. ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) Course & The 6th ASBPRS (Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). 18-21 Oct., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Primary Breast Augmentation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)- Personal Experience in Past Two Years. ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)Course & The 6th ASBPRS (Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). 18-21 Oct., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy-The Clinical Application of Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) Course & The 6th ASBPRS (Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). 18-21 Oct., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat Graft in Face Lift. Chinese Medical Association the 11th Congress of Medical Aesthetic and Cosmetology. 31 Oct. ~ 2 Nov., Nanjin, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The Fourth International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 29-30 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Lipotransplant with MAFT-Gun. The 11th Annual International Scientific Congress “towards the growth of aesthetic surgery & medicine”. 6-7 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- How to Avoid the Severe Complications in Fat Grafting and Fillers Injection? Combined Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery and Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with Thailand- Singapore- Taiwan (TST) Triangle Plastic Surgical Conference. 19-21 Dec., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Liposuction and Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Face & Q&A. Micro-autologous fat Transplantation / Osmidrosis surgery workshop. 4 Jan., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- LIVE Demonstration. Micro-autologous fat Transplantation / Osmidrosis surgery workshop. 4 Jan., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 14th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 11 Jan., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Facial Rejuvenation and Breast Augmentation. Fat Grafting Middle East Summit 2015. 15-16 Jan., Dubai, UAE. (Invited Speaker)
- The 15th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 8 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Autologous Fat Art Summit &DT Doctor Team(自体脂肪艺术峰会&DT医生联盟大会). 21-22 Mar., Lianyungang City, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Facial Temporal Contouring: Refinement and Long-term Results from CT. Symposium on “Dental-Facial Aesthetics”. 29 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation and its Clinical Applications in Facial Rejuvenation. 13th Annual Conference of Association of Cutaneous Surgeons. 10 Apr., Kolkata, India.
- How to Avoid the Complications of Fat Grafting and Fillers Injection. 13th Annual Conference of Association of Cutaneous Surgeons. 11 Apr., Kolkata, India. (Invited Speaker)
- Maftgun Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. 2015 Xijin Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Forum (2015西京整形美容論壇) 17-19 Apr., Xian, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Where is the position of Stem Cell and PRP use in facial rejuvenation? The 6th ICTEC Aesthetic Update. 25 Apr., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat graft for facial rejuvenation: updates on technique with MAFT. The 6th ICTEC Aesthetic Update. 25 Apr., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Dealing with complications of the fat grafting and combined autologous properties to avoid litigation issues. The 6th ICTEC Aesthetic Update. 25 Apr., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- MAFT-GUN assisted fat transplantation and filler Injection. The 6th ICTEC Aesthetic Update. 25 Apr., Jakarta, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Facial Rejuvenation and Breast Augmentation. FAT GRAFTING SUMMIT – Southeast Asia 2015. 9-10 May, Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
- The 1st Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) with Body-jet Workshop. 16 May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 16th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 17 May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Safe and precise periorbital fat grafting with MAFT-GUN 3.0. FACIAL AGEING CONTOUR ENHANCEMENT. Villa Bella Clinic Annual Course. 29-31 May, Gardone Riviera, Italy. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro- autologous fat transplantation (MAFT) for upper sunken eyes. The 6th Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society Meeting. 13-14 Jun., Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-adipose Fat Transfer for Facial Rejuvenation. 2nd Chinese Academic Conference on Adipose Plastic Surgery & International Symposium on Adipose Transplantation (第二届全国脂肪整形学术交流大会暨脂肪移植高峰论坛). 17-18 Jul., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). MEVOS International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine. 25-26 Jul., Dalian, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 17th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 9 Aug., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- 2015 TAAMS Annual Conference Taipei. Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery. 22-23 Aug., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Pri-orbital Area Rejuvenation – Application and long-term follow up of MAFT (Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation)(眶周年轻化 – 精微自体脂肪 MAFT 的应用与长期追踪). The 12th Congress of Chinese Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Doctor, Chinese Medical Doctors Association and 7th academic conference of PAAFPRS (Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) (第十二届中国医师协会美容与整形医师大会第七届泛亚地区面部整形与重建外科学会学术大会) 28-30 Aug., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- MAFT gun demonstration. Controversies, Art & Technology in Facial Aesthetic Surgery (CATFAS) V 2015. 4-6 Sep., Gent, Belgium.
- Total facial rejuvenation with micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT) – Implication for facial contouring surgery. Controversies, Art & Technology in Facial Aesthetic Surgery (CATFAS) V 2015. 4-6 Sep., Gent, Belgium.
- Total Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) 5th Chang Gung Aesthetic Conference- The Cutting Edge in Facial Rejuvenation. 2-4 Oct., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation on (MAFT) with Thread Lifting in Facial Rejuvenation. 5th Chang Gung Aesthetic Conference- The Cutting Edge in Facial Rejuvenation. 2-4 Oct., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 5th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 10-11 Oct., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- MAFT-GUN Live Surgery. The Clinic Tokyo. 23 Oct., Tokyo, Japan. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- How to Avoid Severe Complication in Fat Grafting and Fillers Injection? 2015 TAFPRS Annual Meeting. 1 Nov., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Primary Augmentation Mammoplasty in Asians. 2015 TSPS Annual Meeting. 21 Nov., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-fat grafting with a specialized gun for facial rejuvenation. The 4th ISPRES Congress. 4-6 Dec., Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Free Papers-2. The 4th ISPRES Congress. 4-6 Dec., Beijing, China. (Moderator)
- The 18th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 20 Dec., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Salvage of post-implantation rhinoplasty: from impossible to possible job. IMCAS World Congress. 28-31 Jan., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- Periorbital rejuvenation with micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT): long-term follow up of 668 cases. IMCAS World Congress. 28-31 Jan., Paris, France. (Invited Speaker)
- Roundtable with the participation of – Dermato Plastica Beauty. IMCAS World Congress. 28-31 Jan., Paris, France.
- The 19th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 26 Mar., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Concept of Fat Graft with MAFT gun. 20th MAPACS Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-10 Apr., Johor Baru, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat graft to face and adjunct procedure. 20th MAPACS Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-10 Apr., Johor Baru, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat grafting—Update, Problem and solutions. 20th MAPACS Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-10 Apr., Johor Baru, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker)
- Facial rejuvenation with micro- autologous fat transplantation. Forum of Adipose Tissue & Stem Cell. 22-24 Apr., Bangkok, Thailand. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Facial rejuvenation with micro- autologous fat transplantation. Forum of Adipose Tissue & Stem Cell. 22-24 Apr., Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
- MAFT Breast Augmentation Workshop. 2 Jun., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- MAFT x Body Jet Evo Breast Augmentation Workshop. 4 Jun., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Periorbital rejuvenation combining fat grafting. China Medical Cosmetology Industry Summit. MEVOS. 24-26 Jun., Dalian, China. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Clinical Application of Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT): The Value, Reality and Feasibility. Master Course. China Medical Cosmetology Industry Summit. MEVOS. 24-26 Jun., Dalian, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Grafting. China Medical Cosmetology Industry Summit. MEVOS. 24-26 Jun., Dalian, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 7th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 16-17 Jul., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Fat grafting to rejuvenation vagina and stress incontinence in Asian Female. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Breast augmentation with fat grafting: update, concern and problem. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- An algorithm for prevention severe complications of fillers injection and fat grafting. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Lipofilling for temporal and chin for Asians. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- How I handle aging lower eyelids: a resolution combining lower blepharoplasty with fat grafting. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Lipofilling: body & breast. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Chair)
- Lipofilling for buttock, soft tissue deficiency of body and scar. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Research & new technologies. IMCAS Asia 2016. Taipei, Taiwan. (Chair)
- 精微自體脂肪移植在亞洲人初次隆乳的運用:個人百例經驗分享 (Micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT) for Primary augmentation mammoplasty: Personal Experience sharing of Hundreds of cases). Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Medical Aesthetics Committee Academic Annual Conference. 5-7 Aug., Chengdu, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 視頻交流-用MAFT-GUN來做胸部脂肪隆胸(Video Session- Breast Augmentation with MAFT-GUN) Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Medical Aesthetics Committee Academic Annual Conference. 5-7 Aug., Chengdu, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 如何避免脂肪移植的嚴重併發症(How to Avoid the Severe Complications in Fat Grafting?). Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Medical Aesthetics Committee Academic Annual Conference. 5-7 Aug., Chengdu, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 眶周年輕化:精微自體脂肪移植MAFT的適用性 (Peri-orbital rejuvenation with micro-autologous fat transplantation). Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Medical Aesthetics Committee Academic Annual Conference. 5-7 Aug., Chengdu, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 20th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 14 Aug., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) & Complication. 4th Annual Gender Aesthetic Asia Focus Series 2016. 19-21 Aug., Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation & Clinical Applications. FATS Academy Of Procedural Medicine Training Course 2016. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Advanced Techniques in Liposuction & Fat Transfer: Body Jet (Water-Assisted Liposuction) & MAFT GUN- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. Hong Kong Association of Cosmetic Surgery. 26 Aug., Hong Kong.
- 亚洲人眶周脂肪移植之角色探讨. 5th Chinese Annual Meeting of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Medicine. 2-4 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 精微自体脂肪移植在初次隆鼻的运用 (Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)). 5th Chinese Annual Meeting of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Medicine. 2-4 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 精细自体脂肪移植在初次隆乳中的应用:真实感及适应症 (Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Primary augmentation mammoplasty: Reality & Feasibility). 5th Chinese Annual Meeting of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Medicine. 2-4 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- 如何避免脂肪移植及填充物注射的严重并发症 (How to Avoid the Severe Complications in Fat Grafting and Fillers Injection?). 5th Chinese Annual Meeting of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Medicine. 2-4 Sep., Shanghai, China. (Invited Speaker)
- MAFT (Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation) Breast Augmentation – Technique Details. The 6th Chang Gung Aesthetic Forum. 9-11 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Live Surgery- Breast Fat Grafting. The 6th Chang Gung Aesthetic Forum. 9-11 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Primary augmentation mammoplasty in Asian Female. International Society Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) 2016. 23-27 Oct., Kyoto, Japan.
- Rescue Asian Patients Suffering from Sequels of Silicone Augmentation Rhinoplasty? From a Trouble Task to Liable Job International Society Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) 2016. 23-27 Oct., Kyoto, Japan. (Corresponding Author)
- The 8th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 5-6 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Fat Grafting. The 2nd International Congress of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt. 1-3 Dec., Cairo, Egypt. (Invited Speaker)
- Aesthetically Pleasing Periorbital Area. The 2nd International Congress of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt. 1-3 Dec., Cairo, Egypt. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Augmentation Mammoplasty. The 2nd International Congress of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt. 1-3 Dec., Cairo, Egypt. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. The 2nd International Congress of the Aesthetic Academy of Egypt. 1-3 Dec., Cairo, Egypt.
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Augmentation Mammoplasty. The ISAPS Vietnam Course 2016 & The 14th Annual International Scientific Congress of HSAPS. 9-11 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- Rejuvenation of Nasojugal Groove and Lid-Cheek Junction in Lower Blepharoplasty with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). The ISAPS Vietnam Course 2016 & The 14th Annual International Scientific Congress of HSAPS. 9-11 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- Live Surgery- Facial Rejuvenation. The ISAPS Vietnam Course 2016 & The 14th Annual International Scientific Congress of HSAPS. 9-11 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 21st Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 17 Dec., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 3rd Breast Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 18 Feb., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 9th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 4-5 Mar., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Periorbital Beautification in Asians – The Power of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 2017 Taiwan Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Spring Meeting. 26 Mar., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Live Surgery Demonstration – Facial fat grafting with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). FATS 2017. 21-23 Apr., Bangkok, Thailand. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 22nd Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 30 Apr., Taipei, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Peri-Orbital Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation- Fiction or Faction. 5th Taiwan Dermatology Aesthetic Conference Taiwanese Dermatological Association Spring Meeting 4th East Asian Dermatological Surgery. 6-7 May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- 研發醫療同業也肯定的器材,持續學術發表 (A medical device won recognition from the industry and its ongoing academic performance) 新思惟論壇:醫學生涯的各種可能 (INNOVARD Forum- All kinds of possibilities in the career of Medicine) 14 May, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Lower blepharoplasty with free graft. Lower Blepharoplasty Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 21 May, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Live Surgery Demonstration – Facial fat grafting with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine. 2-4 Jun., Wuhan, China. (Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Application of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) In Facial Rejuvenation. Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine. 2-4 Jun., Wuhan, China. (Invited Speaker)
- Peri-orbital Rejuvenation With Fat Grafting. Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine. 2-4 Jun., Wuhan, China. (Invited Speaker)
- The 23rd Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 18 Jun., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Fat Grafting. The International Meeting of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (IMAPS) Saigon 2017. 14-16 July, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Rejuvenation of Aging Dorsal Hand. The International Meeting of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (IMAPS) Saigon 2017. 14-16 July, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- Fat Grafting For Gummy Smiles. IMCAS Asia 2017. 21-23 Jul., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Eyelid And Periorbital Rejuvenation With Micro-autologous Fat Transplantation. IMCAS Asia 2017. 21-23 Jul., Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- Endoscopic forehead lift combined with fat graft. Symstemic Solution for senile eyelids. 13 Aug., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 4th Breast Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 20 Aug., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Asians. 2017 International Aesthetic Conference. 22-24 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Periorbital beautification in Asians- The power of micro-autologous fat transplantation. The 40th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 28-29 Sep., Sapporo, Japan.
- The application of micro-autologous fat transplantation. The 40th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 28-29 Sep., Sapporo, Japan.
- The 10th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 28-29 Oct., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- How I Blend the Nasojugal Groove and Palpebromalar Junction with Fat Grafting: Advantages, Disadvantages and Long Term Follow Up. 2017 Annual Meeting. Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 11-12 Nov., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Implication of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). 2017 Annual Meeting. Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 11-12 Nov., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 24th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 19 Nov., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- Micro-autologous fat transplantation for forehead volumizing and contouring. International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2017. 23-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
- Facial Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2017. 23-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand. (Industry Sponsored)
- How to avoid severe complications in fat grafting and fillers Injection. International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2017. 23-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
- Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Fat Grafting in Asians. International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2017. 23-25 Nov., Bangkok, Thailand.
- The Introduction of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) and Its Clinical Applications. The 27th Annual Meeting The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand. 30 Nov.,-1 Dec., Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
- Conceptualization of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT): Emerging from Facial Rejuvenation to Tissue Regeneration. The 27th Annual Meeting The Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand. 30 Nov.,-1 Dec., Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
- How to Avoid the Complications of Fat Grafting and Fillers Injection. The 17th Annual International Congress on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ISAPS SAIGON 2017. 8-9 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- The Implication of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) The 17th Annual International Congress on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ISAPS SAIGON 2017. 8-9 Dec., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Invited Speaker)
- The 25th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 4 Feb., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 11th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 24-25 Feb., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Role of Micro-autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) in Craniofacial Surgery: A New Strategy for Treating Gummy Smile and Some Thoughts Concerning on the Profiloplasty of Asians. The 2018 TCPA Annual Meeting Enhance the Strategies of Facial Soft Tissue Management. 15 Apr., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The Update Solution for Fat Grafting-MAFT-GUN. FATS 2018. 19-22 Apr., Bangkok, Thailand. (Industry Sponsored
- How I Blend the Tear Trough and Lid/Check Junction? 10th Daegu Oriental Blepharoplasty and Periocular Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. 12-13 May, Daegu, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- The Strategy for Treating Asian Sunken Upper Eyelids. 10th Daegu Oriental Blepharoplasty and Periocular Cosmetic Surgery Symposium. 12-13 May, Daegu, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Primary Augmentation Mammoplasty in Asian Females-Experience in One Hundred Cases. Asian Society for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASBPRS). 2 Jun., Taoyuan, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- The 5th Breast Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 7 Aug., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- How to avoid the severe complications in fat grafting and filler injection? OSAPS 2018 19-21 July, Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- An innovative strategy for gummy smile. OSAPS 2018 19-21 July, Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- How I blend the nasojugal groove and lid-cheek junction? OSAPS 2018 19-21 July, Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- My solution for dark circle. OSAPS 2018 19-21 July, Bali, Indonesia. (Invited Speaker)
- The 12th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 11-12 Aug., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- An Integrative Approach of Aging Lower Eyelid-The Indispensability of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. The 8th Chang Gung Aesthetic Forum. 28-30 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- How I Get Rid of Dark Circles by Fat Grafting. The 8th Chang Gung Aesthetic Forum. 28-30 Sep., Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
- Facial Fat Grafting: the Indispensability of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. The 24th Annual Meeting of ThPRS& ThSAPS 2018 17-18 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited Speaker)
- How to Make Fat Grafting Simple and Reliable? -A New Weapon in 21th Century-. The 41st Annual Meeting of JSAPS. 25-26 Oct., Tokyo, Japan. (Industry Sponsored)
- Three Simple Steps for Refining Transcutaneous Lower Blepharoplasty for Aging Eyelids : The Indispensability of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation. The 41st Annual Meeting of JSAPS. 25-26 Oct., Tokyo, Japan.
- Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) for Treating a Gummy Smile. ISAPS 2018, 31st Oct.-4th Nov., Miami, Florida, USA.
- Periorbital Rejuvenation with Fat Grafting in Asians. ISAPS 2018, 31st Oct.-4th Nov., Miami, Florida, USA. (Invited Speaker)
- What is the New Concept and Procedure in Plastic Surgery: MAFT GUN. KSPS/KSPRS 2018, 9-11 Nov., Seoul, South Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Challenging the Infraorbital Dark Circles-The Rejuvenating of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). AFS 2018, 9-11 Nov., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- A New Strategy for Treating Gummy Smile-Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). AFS 2018, 9-11 Nov., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Primary Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) – Technique Details. The 7th Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum 2018, 9-11 Nov., Seoul, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- How to avoid the severe complications of filler injection and fat grafting- anatomic and new technologic viewpoints? 2018 Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Course (APAAC) 2018 23-25 Nov., Daegu, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- Peri-orbital Rejuvenation with Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation in Asians. 2018 Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Course (APAAC) 2018 23-25 Nov., Daegu, Korea. (Invited Speaker)
- The 26th Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 25 Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The Key to a Successful Fat Grafting – MAFT Gun. The 16th Annual IFATS Meeting. 13-15 Dec., Las Vegas, USA. (Industry Sponsored)
- The Innovative Treatment of Gummy Smile – Micro Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT). The 16th Annual IFATS Meeting. 13-15 Dec., Las Vegas, USA. (Invited Speaker)
- The 6th Breast Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 20 Jan., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)
- The 13th International Symposium of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) Workshop. 23-24 Feb., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Organizer/ Chairman/Live Surgery Demonstrator)

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